Bell Grove Baptist Church acknowledges the convenience associated with the use of debit and credit cards. Therefore, we provide this option as an alternative method for contributing to BG Baptist Church, but trust and encourage you to be a good steward of the Lord’s resources and never incur debt to give to the church.
Your information is held securely by our giving system. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions. If you have any questions you contact the Church Admin office by e-mail , or call at 803.649.1704
Q: Is it safe to give online?
We’ve taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All of your giving data is secured by our gateway provider using SSL encryption, which is a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.
Q: Are there any fees involved with giving online?
Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online tithe or offering.
Be sure to complete all required fields in the online giving form
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